Essential and Emergency Services & Partners Co-operative Credit Union Ltd.
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Essential and Emergency Services & Partners Co-operative Credit Union Limited will be held as a hybrid format meeting on Saturday, July 23, 2022, commencing at 10:00 a.m. The purpose of the meeting is to:
- Confirm the minutes of the previous AGM held on August 14, 2021;
- Consider and adopt the audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Directors and other Elected Committees of the Credit Union for the year 2021;
- Conduct and pass a resolution for elected officers to fill vacancies on the various elected Committees;
- Consider and if thought fit, pass the Resolution for Amendment to the Essential and Emergency Services & Partners Co-operative Credit Union Rules for the cessation of nominations from the floor. A copy of the full Resolution is available at the Credit Union’s offices and on our website at
In order to comply with the measures entails in the Disaster Risk Management Orders issued by the Government, the guidelines for the Department of Co-operative and Friendly Societies (DCFS) and the Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union League (JCCUL), the Annual General Meeting will be held as a hybrid format meeting. However, ONLY staff and volunteers will be accommodated to attend physically at the Medallion Hall Ltd. (Hotel), 53 Hope Road, Kingston 6; observing all COVID-19 Protocols. All other members will be able to join the meeting live via Zoom Conference.
All participants attending the meeting virtually shall be allowed to vote electronically. All participants attending the meeting physically at the Medallion Hall Ltd. (Hotel) will vote by way of physical ballots. The proposed resolution can be found on the Credit Union’s website at or via the link
To participate in the meeting, members are required to pre-register in the branch at the Head Office (28 Union Square, Cross Roads, Kingston 5), or at the Credit Union’s Outpost (Spanish Town Prison Oval, Burke Road, Spanish Town, St. Catherine), or via our website at via the link Further information regarding participating and voting can also be accessed on said website.
Registration will close on Friday, July 15, 2022. Upon registration and verification, members will receive the link to the Annual General Meeting. For further queries and concerns, please send an email to or call 876-929-0994 / 876-926-4830.